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1. The map

        The map on the first page presents the towns and settlements with the  most numerous sources. Clicking on any of these locations, you can visualize the list with all the source types relevant in that area.

2. Links to the locations

        Under the map on the first page, you can find a list of the 20 most important towns and settlements. For each location, you can find a list with the number of existing sources. Click on any of them and the same information will be displayed as in clicking on the map.

3. Banat

        Selecting Banat in the main menu, on the left of the page, you will find a list with the types of existing sources. Clicking on any of these sources, you can visualize the list with sources of the selected type belonging to the Banat region.

4. Memory sources

        Accessing this option in the main menu, on the left of the page, you will find a list with the types of existing sources. Clicking on one of these sources, you can visualize a list with all the towns where there are sources of the selected type. Clicking on a certain town, you can visualize the list of such sources valid in that particular location.

5. File details

        Clicking on any type of source enlisted, you can visualize the detailed file for the selected recording. If the file has extra documents attached (enlisted at the bottom of the file), clicking on one of these documents, you can visualize it or download it on your computer.

6. Further details

        For further details about the sources you are interested in, please remember the source code, its type and, if necessary, its location. With these data you can contact u son the email address info@memoriabanatului.ro or by filling in the online contact form.